Dance at Abian Boga, Bali part 2

The second part of our Dance session at Abian Boga.

The Baris Dance

Baris is a traditional war dance, glorifies the man hood of the Balinese warrior. The word Baris means a line or file, in the sense of the line of soldiers and was the name of the warriors who fought for the king of Bali. This dance depicts the courage and virtuous of the knight or an admirable hero who is going to war. It is performed either by a boy or as well as a girl and it is often attached to the Legong dance.



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Oleg Tamuliligan Dance

Oleg Tamuliligan Dance depicts a flirtation act between two bumble bees a male and a female. They fly merrily from flowers to flowers enjoying themselves and in the end they fall in love with eachother.








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A young girl caught after the dance session, waiting to be picked up by her parents ?






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